Conference paper
Personal Informatics & HCI: Design, Theory, & Social Implications at CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2011 May 7
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Brubaker, J. R., Hirano, S. H., & Hayes, G. R. (2011). Lost in Translation: Three challenges for the collection and use of data in personal informatics. In Personal Informatics & HCI: Design, Theory, & Social Implications at CHI 2011. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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Brubaker, Jed R., Sen H. Hirano, and Gillian R. Hayes. “Lost in Translation: Three Challenges for the Collection and Use of Data in Personal Informatics.” In Personal Informatics &Amp; HCI: Design, Theory, &Amp; Social Implications at CHI 2011. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2011.
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Brubaker, Jed R., et al. “Lost in Translation: Three Challenges for the Collection and Use of Data in Personal Informatics.” Personal Informatics &Amp; HCI: Design, Theory, &Amp; Social Implications at CHI 2011, 2011.
BibTeX Click to copy
title = {Lost in Translation: Three challenges for the collection and use of data in personal informatics},
year = {2011},
month = may,
day = {7},
address = {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
author = {Brubaker, Jed R. and Hirano, Sen H. and Hayes, Gillian R.},
booktitle = {Personal Informatics & HCI: Design, Theory, & Social Implications at CHI 2011},
month_numeric = {5}